I first became acquainted with Berger & Argenti when I smoked the amazing Entubar Corona Macho. It was with that cigar that a seed was planted in my mind (probably a tobacco seed). A couple of months later, while at a smoke shop, that seed produced a little plant that sprouted out of the ground. I saw a couple of different sizes of the B&A Mooch line and was reminded of the previous experience. Let's just say I was compelled to make the purchase.
The cigar rested comfortably in my humidor for a few months until recently. It was a churchill size after all...I needed to wait until I knew I'd have time to enjoy it. I had a feeling I'd like it and I don't like to rush when I'm smoking a good cigar. So, when I finally had time, I happily picked this out of the humidor and prepared to smoke it. But before I would light up, I took a sample of the prelight wrapper and foot aroma. The only thing I detected was a fruity white pepper scent. It was actually pretty enticing.
After getting more white pepper off the pre-light draw, I lit my cigar. Early on there was...more white pepper. It was quite good, but it didn't arrive alone. Accompanying the white pepper was a very pleasant and mouth watering citrus flavor. That was pretty mcuh the majority of the flavor I got throughout the whole smoke. There were very brief and fleeting flavors of earthiness and nuttiness but they were very subtle.
Overall, this is definitely a cigar I would love to try again. In fact, I have a Mooch Minnie in my humidor right now that I can't wait to sample. Granted, the Windbag was quite mild in strength and not incredibly complex but the flavors that were there were medium-full and would not quit. When I smoke a cigar for so long that I'm burning my fingers because I just don't want to let it go, it's definitely good.
Until next time, as always...go grab some cigars and burn em down!